



  1. Applicant Information (申請者情報)
  2. Research Advisor (研究アドバイザー)
  3. Research Project (研究プロジェクト)
  4. Outreach & Demographic Survey (アウトリーチ&人口統計調査)

    まず、日本語で応募するか英語で応募するかを決めてください。 注意:応募フォームを見るには、言語を選択する必要があります。

言語を選んだら、セクション2:研究指導者に進み、推薦状の依頼を指導教授にできるだけ早く送りましょう。 教授は多忙なため、推薦状を書くのに十分な時間が必要です。 指導教授が推薦状を作成・提出している間、出願書類の作成を続けることができます。


最後に、セクション3:研究プロジェクトに取り組んでください。 研究指導教員と緊密に協力して、研究計画を最終決定することが重要です。 書く際には、査読者がプロジェクトを評価するための評価基準を念頭に置いてください。




Thank you for your interest in applying for the Othmer Research Fellowship, a unique funding opportunity for ICU students to pursue independent research during the summer break.

Named after Donald and Mildred Topp Othmer, the Othmer Research Fellowship aspires to cultivate the ideals of global citizenship by affording students the chance to conceptualize and execute research projects that align with and contribute towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


The application form below consists of four sections: 

  1. Applicant Information
  2. Research Advisor
  3. Research Project
  4. Outreach & Demographic Survey

To start, decide whether to submit your application in Japanese or English. PLEASE NOTE: YOU MUST CHOOSE A LANGUAGE IN ORDER TO SEE THE FULL APPLICATION FORM.

Once you choose a language, go to section 2: Research Advisor and send your recommendation letter request to your research advisor as soon as possible. Professors are busy people and should be given ample time to write their letters. Please note that you can continue working on your application while your advisor prepares and submits their recommendation.

Next, complete Sections 1 and 4. These sections are for informational purposes and will not be used to assess your application.

Finally, work on Section 3: Research Project. It is important that you work closely with a research advisor to finalize your research plan. As you write, keep in mind the Evaluation Rubric that reviewers will use to evaluate your project.

Applications for the 2025 cycle are due on Friday, January 31st, 2025, at 23:59, Japan Time.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Program Manager Fernando Rojas at frojas@jicuf.org.

Japan ICU Foundation